How long will it take to settle my personal injury claim?

A: Each personal injury claim is unique, and the time it takes to settle your claim depends on many factors. 

Here's a detailed breakdown:

  • The Severity of Injuries: The nature and extent of your injuries, such as spinal cord injury, brain injury, whiplash, broken bones, neck pain, or chronic pain, can significantly impact the duration of your claim. Catastrophic injuries that lead to permanent or partial disability may require extensive rehabilitation and physiotherapy, prolonging the settlement process.
  •  The Complexity of the Accident: How complicated the motor vehicle accident was, including liability issues, will also affect the time needed to settle the claim. Clarity of evidence, witnesses, and conflicting evidence can play a role.
  •  Legal Process: A personal injury claim may include various stages such as Examination or Questioning, Mediation, and if needed, a Trial. Each stage can add time to the settlement process. Negotiations, Mediations, or Judicial Dispute Resolutions may be used to assist the parties.
  • Immediate Medical Attention: Seeking immediate medical attention and maintaining detailed medical records, including tests, MRIs, X-rays, CT scans, etc., is crucial. Accurate documentation of your injuries will help evaluate your injury claims and can affect the duration of the settlement process.
  • Legal Representation: Hiring a personal injury lawyer like Jared Kantor, with 20 years of litigation experience, can make a difference in the time it takes to settle your claim. The lawyer's expertise in navigating your injury claim, providing legal advice, and pushing for a fair settlement can expedite the process.
  • Documentation: Keeping track of all physical injuries, damage to your vehicle, out-of-pocket expenses, lost wages, and more will strengthen your case. Thorough documentation helps accurately calculate the damage caused by the accident, which can affect the time needed for settlement.
  • Willingness to Settle and Settlement Options: Most claims are resolved through settlement negotiations, and the willingness to settle, along with options like lump sum or structured settlements, can influence the time frame.
  • Limitation Period and Time to Trial: Consideration of the two-year limitation period and the potential length of time to get to trial (5 to 10 years in serious cases) is essential.
  • Personal Factors: Emotional, mental, and financial damages, as well as the negligence of another individual, business, or organization, can also affect the time it takes to settle your claim.

Personal injury claims can vary widely in duration, ranging from a few weeks to a few years. With the right resources dedicated to your case, such as those provided by Jared Kantor, you can ensure you receive the most compensation possible. It's essential to understand that the process may be complex and time-consuming, but with professional legal assistance, you can navigate it more efficiently. Understanding these factors will help you maintain reasonable expectations about your personal injury claim in Alberta, whether it's a clear-cut case or one with multiple complexities.

If you've been in an MVA, contact Kantor LLP, MVA Injury Lawyers, for a free consultation.