Motor Vehicle Accidents Blog

Viewing Publications Categorized "Personal Injury Law"

What if I Am in an Accident With an Emergency Vehicle?

What if I Am in an Accident With an Emergency Vehicle?

We have all seen fire trucks, police cars and ambulances racing down the road. But if you are involved in an accident with one of these vehicles, who is liable? The answer depends on the circumstances.

What Should I Do After an Accident?

What Should I Do After an Accident?

You are driving through an Albertan city or town, relaxed but attentive, but something happens, and you are in a collision with another vehicle. What do you do next? Let us guide you through the steps to take.

What Do I Do After a Hit and Run?

What Do I Do After a Hit and Run?

Hit and run accidents happen every day in Alberta. They range from nicking a car in a parking lot to a collision that leaves another person critically injured.

Making a Winter Slip and Fall Claim in Alberta

Making a Winter Slip and Fall Claim in Alberta

Ice and snow can make walking treacherous. And let's not forget the thaw and freeze following a chinook. The hazards that accompany winter weather mean you should be taking precautions to avoid a spill.

When to Call a PI Lawyer After a Car Accident

When to Call a PI Lawyer After a Car Accident

Many things need to happen after a car accident. It may be some time before you even think about contacting a lawyer, and that’s entirely understandable. But there are a few things you need to know.

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

Personal injury lawyers protect their clients’ rights during the insurance claims process. They also represent them at trial if the problem escalates. A severe personal injury has a major life impact, and a lawyer will fight for the compensation you deserve.